October 8, 2021

Taskforce 3.0 in the eyes of UIMachine

Generally design sessions went well and personally, having these two talented ladies on my team was my favorite part of this journey. Besides that, I really liked how the whole team taskforce was involved.

The UI/UX team which is the leading team learnt how to create mockups and see how the mockups get implemented by the developers. Seeing them realize that their design eye is a bit different from the developers' eye and that as UI/UX designers it's always going to require them to take extra steps when it comes to being more specific while creating mockups because not every implemented idea is obvious to the developers. Another important thing that went well during this journey is how they always managed to deliver their assignments on time 👏even though the timeline was a bit tight (which is good). Lastly, I appreciated  the way they were all open to feedbacks no matter how they were, and how much they are always willing to learn new practices to improve their deliverables.

In conclusion this was a very insightful and yet fun experience with these two ladies during this bootcamp and seeing them grow and taking up a huge responsibility of leading their fellow team mates really showed me that the UI/UX future is bright.